In this Internet Assignment you will learn the differences between POR and PARA. You will have the chance to read about this grammar topic, complete some exercises, and finally take a quiz on this subject matter. This entire assignment is due in Spanish class on the day indicated below.


Read about the differences between POR and PARA by clicking here.

Do the following online exercise by clicking on the appropriate link:

Online Exercise 1: click here.

Online Exercise 2: click here.


Complete all exercises listed above. Make sure that you write both the questions and the answers. Your work should be handwritten on loose-leaf in either blue or black ink, and not a combination of the two. Your work must be neat, free of mistakes, and if multiple pages are needed to complete this assignment, they should be stapled on the top left hand corner before you get to class. Your name and date must appear on the first page of your assignment. Any deviation from these rules will result in a loss of points.

Due Dates: October 14, 2021

On the due date, you will take a quiz based on this assignment. No books, notes, or assignments may be used during the taking of this quiz.


Homework: 40 points Quiz: 60 points