Elements of Cinema is a course designed to introduce the student to the art, craft, and cultural importance of the world of film. The course will also examine the grammar of cinema and the various components that make up the language of this modern art form, which found its genesis in the late 1800s, came to prominence in the 20th century, and continues to be an artistic force in this millennium. At the end of the academic year, the student should come away from this course with a better understanding of how film tells a story, and to better appreciate the complex ingredients that make for great story telling and great film making.

The course is designed to give an overview of the history of film, as well as to give an introduction to the basic language of this medium.  Our study begins with the earliest movies of the Lumière Brothers, and Georges Méliès in France, as well as the early film experiments of Thomas A. Edison and Edwin S. Porter in America.  The course will begin in the early years of this medium, as the silent cinema takes hold in the cultural landscape of America and the world.  The students will study how American and European “silents” gave way to the invention and the adoption of sound in the late 1920s, and how movies came of age as the “talkies” shaped film into the art form that we know today.  Important films from selected periods of film history will be viewed and studied.

The study of cinema is not just a study of history as seen from the point of view of the movies.  It also takes into consideration an in-depth study of the particular “language” with which the movies tell their unique story.  The students will, therefore, learn and be able to recognize the various techniques that when assembled together make up a motion picture.  The course aims to make the students fluent in the cinematic “syntax” that are the building blocks of a film.  At the end of the year, the student should come away from this course with a better understanding of how film is able to tell a story, as well as a greater appreciation of the complex language that make up a film.

The students will gain thorough knowledge of the famous actors, directors, writers and technicians that make up the high points in the history of cinema.  In addition, the class will feature guest lectures by prominent industry professionals who are actively working in this medium.

Through class discussions, in-class viewing, as well as home-viewing of films, the students will gain a deeper understanding of the history and craft of this medium, while also understanding that the cinema is a highly sophisticated craft, a business, as well as the most popular art form in the world.  In this class the students will come to appreciate that the cinema is one of the most important artistic expressions of our modern culture.


Students should come to class prepared to think. This faculty should be demonstrated in a willingness to challenge assumptions, as well as having assumptions challenged. Students should come to class with an open mind, and a willingness to dialogue with the teacher and with one another.


It is your responsibility to have the following items in your possession within the first week of the beginning of the school year. Make sure that you always bring the following items to class.

A notebook. Either a composition style notebook, or a spiral notebook is fine. You will be taking plenty of notes, and experience has shown that a small notebook will not last you for very long. Therefore, make sure that you purchase one that has plenty of pages so that it will last you for the entire school year. It is good to have all your notes together in one notebook, especially during Midterm and Finals time.
Note: Make sure that only Elements of Cinema notes are kept in this notebook, no work from other subjects, please.

A folder. Please keep your returned graded quizzes and homework in it.

A binder with loose-leaf. This is for quizzes, or class work that you must hand in.

I M P O R T A N T - - Read carefully!

Home-Viewing USB Flash Drives: The majority of the film viewing that you will do for this class will be done at home via films in a USB flash drive that the school will be providing for you. These "home-viewing USB flash drives" are the property of Xavier High School, and are on loan to you for a determined period of time. It is your responsibility to handle your USB flash drive carefully, and return it to class on the due date in good condition. DO NOT copy any other data (notes, term papers, etc.) into this flash drive. Handle the flash drives with care!

If you lose or if you break or bend the USB flash drive, thus making it unoperative, you will be charged $40.00.

Note: The best way to watch the films is either on your PC or Mac computer, or on your Smart TV.

Computer Viewing:

The best computer app to see these films is VLC. It is available for both PC and Mac users. You can download it for free here.

PC users: Make sure that you have downloaded the latest free version of DivX and the AC3 Codec. These two programs will ensure that Windows Media Player will play these files and that you will have sound.

Mac users: Download the latest version of QuickTime as well as the latest version of the Perian codec pack.

Xbox360 users: Plug the memory stick into an open USB port and use the system menu to find the device under ‘Video”. Press the green key to explore the folders for your assignments and simply press play to screen the film.

**Note- m4v files were briefly rendered incompatible with the 2011 dashboard update. You must make sure to download the free 'optional media update' found at http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Optional-Media-Update/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802fffe07df or in the 'games marketplace' on your console under the letter 'O'.
This media update will re-enable m4v playback. Reboot your system then follow the instructions for playback as above. If this is your preferred screening device then it is your responsibility to download this software upgrade. The files have been tested on an updated Xbox360 and all play back without problems.

A Note about Aspect Ratio:

The width-to-height ratio of all the movies that you will see in the first semester is 4:3, or 1.37:1. This squarish shape of the screen is also commonly known as "Academy ratio," and it was the standard in film from the beginnings in the nineteenth century to the decade of the 1950s. Make sure that you are watching the films in their correct aspect ratio. For example is you are watching on a standard TV or computer screen, the image should fill the entire screen. However, If you are watching on a 16x9 widescreen TV or computer, the image should not fill the screen and there should be vertical black bars on the sides.


The work that you take home that reinforces the previous day's work, usually referred to as homework, is an integral part of your education. Homework will be assigned every night and it will be collected the next day. Homework is to be HANDWRITTEN in blue or black ink, on white loose-leaf paper. Collected homework will generally be worth 10 points. There will be times when you will have to type the homework, but this would be the exception rather than the rule. Failure to hand in homework in the proper format will result in a grade of zero (0) for that assignment.


In this class there will be frequent quizzes. It might be tough at first to realize that you are being tested so frequently and that you are required to know new material on a daily basis, but with time you will understand the importance of this procedure in order to learn this subject. A quiz will cover the material covered the day before. Each quiz will generally be worth 20 points. There will also be weekly Internet Assignments that normally will be worth anywhere from 40 to 80 points. With so many grades accumulating day in and day out, it is not unusual at the end of the quarter to have over 500 points worth of quizzes and homework.


It's important to take into consideration that as a student you are responsible for everything that happens in this class whether you are present or not. In the rare case that you are absent for health, retreat or other personal reasons, it is your responsibility to get in touch with one of your classmates and to find out the work that you missed (homework, and the topic for the quiz.) Upon your return you are required to present your homework, and to be ready to take the day's quiz, plus the quiz that you missed on the day of your absence. There are no exceptions to this rule. By the end of the first week of school you must secure the phone numbers of at least two students from the class that you can call, and that you feel will provide you with accurate and reliable information.