During the week read the short story "El Eclipse" by Augusto Monterroso (1921-2003), found on pages 128-129 of your ¡Exprésate! textbook. Procedure: Read the story first, gathering as much understanding of the text as possible. After reading it once, do a written translation of it on loose-leaf, which you will hand in on the due date. Make sure that you also study the work, and that you are knowledgeable of the plot, characters, ideas, and themes that are presented in it. As you read the story, you will need to know some vocabulary that will help you to not only understand literature in Spanish better, but will also help you to answer questions about fiction. These words include personaje, protagonista, tema, trama, autor. Make sure that you know the meaning of these words. As part of the written translation assignment, also answer the questions on p. 130. Make sure that both questions and answers are written down. The written portion of this assignment is to be completed on loose-leaf in either blue or black ink. No typed assignments will be accepted. Any deviation of the above instructions will result in a loss of points. Due Date: This assignment is due on March 18, 2013. On this day, you will take a quiz based on this story. No books, translations, or notes may be used for this quiz. Grading: Homework 20 points Quiz 40 points |